
It's ok to be a little vain... for a while.

I think some of us need to hear this.

Those of us who have always put others first and themselves last. Those who think that sacrificing themselves for others is a virtue. Those who think that time, effort and money spent on themselves is a waste and would rather spend them on worthier people (like their family or children) or cause.

Maybe today is the day to be a little vain. To give yourself the permission to think highly of yourself for once. To focus on yourself for once. To celebrate and even brag about your achievements. To really look in the mirror and see yourself. To put on some makeup and even your favorite jewelry. To finally get that new pair of glasses or go for your dental checkup because you have been putting them off for years since you would rather spend that money on your husband or children. To make a proper lunch for just you, because you deserve to have delicious and nutritious meals too even when you are only feeding yourself.

Maybe by allowing yourself to be a little vain for once, you can finally see and experience yourself. Start by simply dolling up every morning, with the little acts of putting pretty things on yourself - acknowledging your physical body, acknowledging existence, acknowledging your preferences, acknowledging yourself. Maybe just like this, you will begin to feel like you again, and grasp what it means to be you.

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